RedBull Day in the Dirt Out East

August 29, 2025 - August 31, 2025

The Motocross Grand Prix, will be conducted in accordance with recognized Motocross Grand Prix Regulations such as those as specifically listed in Section 2.8, Off-Road, Grand Prix Meets, in the Rules for Competition as published by the American Motorcyclists Association, in the 2024 Racing Rulebook. When addressing any competition matters, not specifically related to Motocross Grand Prix events, The Rules and Regulations as presented in the 2024 AMA Amateur Rulebook, will be used as guidance in addressing any matters not specifically listed below.

The Specific Supplementary Regulations listed below are consistent with the Industry Standard Competition Regulations, regarding Off-Road Motocross Grand Prix Meets, and shall be used for conducting all competitions at the Day in the Dirt Motocross Grand Prix which define that;

A. General Rules
1. A Grand Prix event is held on a marked closed course that must contain a Motocross section, a natural terrain section, and a grass track, graded, or asphalt section. It may run in a single moto or multiple moto format at the referee’s discretion. 
2. Each course loop will be a minimum of 1.5 miles. 
3. The course will be sufficiently maintained throughout the event.

B. Race Event Start Procedures
1. Events will be started by class. Classes with less than 5 entries may be combined for starts and will be scored separately.
2. Starts may be live or dead engine and may be started with a Motocross type mechanical start devise, or a Green Flag as displayed by the Official Starter.

C. Race Program  
1. When a scheduled practice session, prior to the start of the event is provided, no one except officially entered riders may ride or practice on any portion of the designated course.
2. Youth Class entrants may compete on the same course at the same time as other amateur classes or may compete on a modified race course at the discretion of the event director. 
3. No combination of ATV’s and motorcycles may be run at the same time on the same course. 

D. Scoring  
1. The checkered flag will be displayed to the overall leader when they have completed the designated number of laps or the designated time has expired. 
2. Riders must complete 50 percent of their class leader’s laps and take the checkered flag to be considered a finisher. If the class leader completes an odd number of laps, the total required to be designated as a finisher will be rounded down.
3. If a multiple “Moto” Format is used the second moto finish will be considered as the tie breaker in determining overall finishing positions. 

All other event competition protocols, operational standards, Emergency Medical support and full-time security,  as implemented annually at the High Point Raceway for either the regular scheduled Amateur Motocross meets, the AMA Pro Motocross National Championship event, and GNCC - Grand National Cross Country events with use property adjacent to the High Point circuit, will be in place and used as the baseline operational standard for the Day in the Dirt event at High Point.