High Point MX

Wednesday, June 2, 2021 | 10:20 AM

Attention Racers,

The 2021 High Point National is Saturday, June 19th and Racer Productions is looking for flaggers. This is the 44th Annual year hosting an AMA National at High Point and we're back on Father's Day Weekend, so expect an extra special weekend!


This is your chance to get up close to the fastest motocross racers in the world and get some great perks for your time and effort. We are looking for capable and hardworking racers that understand the importance of flagging and on-track safety. Must be 18 or older and experience is preferred.

You will need to arrive to the track and meet at the Announcer's Tower at 6:30am on National race day Saturday, June 19th. In consideration for your services the following items will be redeemable at the front gate for a total value to you of $240:

  • Free weekend admission for you and two guests. ($140 value for guests)
  • Free weekend camping. ($60 value)
  • Free race entry to your next GNCC event. ($40 value)

Contact Jessica Coombs at [email protected] or 304.284.0084 for the Flagger positions detailed above.